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Cluster Resources

What is a Cluster?

A group of loosely connected/linked computers that can work together as a single highly available system

Advantages of using the Cluster

  1. Storage / Manageability: You are able to store a large amount of data across many different machines which can be accessed via any computer with access (much like a cloud).
  2. Availability/Computing Resources: A single computer is limited in the amount of processing power it has. Multiple computers expand this computational limit. This translates to greater capability to download, store, and process data

Accessing the Cluster via Portal

You can access the Roar Collab Portal using

Accessing the Cluster via Terminal

You can follow the steps below to step up your environment on the ACI server.

  1. You can log in via the Terminal using the following command:
ssh <your user account> ## you need to enter psu password. 

Assuming you have already set up 2FA on Duo, you will be prompted to accept the login request on your Duo mobile app.

Navigating Linux systems

What is a Command Line Interface (CLI)?

A CLI is a text-based user interface used to interact with a computer or software by entering commands as text input instead of using graphical elements like windows, buttons, and icons.

Why use UNIX/Linux for Bioinformatics?


  1. Justifying Learning Linux For Bioinformatics.Retrieved August 9, 2023, from
  2. Why should Biologists learn Unix for Bioinformatics? Retrieved August 9, 2023, from

How to access the CLI

Regarding Paths

In Linux, a path is the address of a file or directory in the file system. These are essential for navigating and working with files and directories on a Linux system.

There are two types of paths:

How to find your way in Linux:




on my computer.

Some important symbols and notations used while constructing a path:

Regarding Commands

A command, like pwd, is a specific instruction or action that you can give to the operating system through the CLI. Most commands in Linux have parameters or options that can be used to modify the behaviour of the command, called flags. For example, the ls command can be used to display the contents of a directory. You can use the flags -l', -a` and other flags to change what contents are read and how.

Usually, shorter, single-letter flags use a single hyphen (-a) whilst longer commands use two (--all) but this may not apply to every tool/software you may come across. Always read the manual!

Basic Linux Commands

  1. Creating/Deleting a directory and viewing its contents

To create a directory we can use the mkdir command followed by the name of the directory:

mkdir test1

You can check if the directory has been created by using the ls command:


should output the directory test1 along with other directories that are present.

quals  stat55  test1

To delete an empty directory, like the one we just created, we can use rmdir.

Word of advice: Be very careful while deleting files/directories on the CLI! You will not be able to recover your data after deleting them.

mkdir test2
#quals  stat55  test1  test2
rmdir test2
#quals  stat55  test1
  1. Creating a file

Let's create a quick script


Press the insert button or Esc+i to start editing. Enter/Copy the following code in your script:

echo "Hello World!"

To save your script, press Esc followed by :wq.

To run your script, type:


You should be able to see the following message printed on the command line:

Hello World!
  1. Moving, copying and renaming files

Let's create a copy of our script and move it to the directory we just created:

mv test1

To move into another directory, we can use cd. Let's rename the copy we just moved:

cd test1

As you can see, you can use mv to both move and rename a file.

Now let's navigate back to the parent folder and delete test1 along with its contents.

cd .. #Remember, .. represents the parent directory
rm -r test1 

Here, rm is the command to delete or remove a file while the -r flag modifies rm to remove files recursively, that is delete the contents of the directory first followed by the directory itself. Once again, be careful when you use this command as there is no way to recover your data once deleted.

  1. Manipulating Files

File types and file extensions in Linux:

In Linux, file extensions are not as critical as they are in some other operating systems, like Windows. While file extensions can provide useful information about the type of a file, Linux primarily determines a file's type based on its content and metadata rather than solely relying on the extension. However, it is good practice to give your files an extension just so the user (either you or someone else) has an idea of the contents. Using common file extensions can also help ensure compatibility when you move your files between operating systems.

Some common tools to read files are cat and less:


cat outputs the entire contents of the file onto the terminal all at once; it's useful if you have a very small file and you want to quickly view the contents. For larger files, less is more useful:


less displays one page at a time on a separate screen. You can also scroll through the file using the up and down arrow keys.

Tips and Tricks

Save yourself from hours of endless frustration by

Useful Linux commands for Everyday Bioinformatics

ls -1 | wc -l
ls -1 | wc -l >result.txt
ln -s /path/to/target /path/to/link #To create a symlink
ln /path/to/target /path/to/link #To create a hardlink
sed -e 's/!/?/' -e 's/echo//' -e 's/\s//'
awk '{ gsub("!", "?"); sub("echo ", ""); print }'
find . -type f -exec du -hs {} \; | sort -rh | head -n 5`

Package management and software installation

Creating a conda environment

Conda is a commonly used open-source package management and environment management system that allows you to install, run, and update packages while managing their dependencies on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating system.

Once you login, run the following commands to download conda installer.

cd /storage/work/<your user account>
bash ## when you run this line, please follow:
# You will see "Please, press ENTER to continue", then click the "ENTER" button to continue and then keep clicking the "Space" button.
# Then you will see the question "Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no]", enter "yes" and then "ENTER" button
# Then click "ENTER" button again and wait for its done.
# Then you will see another question "Do you wish the installer to initialize Miniconda3 by running conda init? [yes|no]", enter "yes" and then "ENTER" button.
mv ~/miniconda3 . # This step will wait a while
ln -s /storage/work/<your user account>/miniconda3
  1. After installing conda, run the following command to install mamba (mamba provides conda parallel functionality, which significantly speeds up downloading and installing large bundle of packages):
conda install -c conda-forge mamba ## when you run this line, you will see a question 
# "Proceed ([y]/n)?", enter "y" to proceed.

If the above command finishes successfully, mamba --version should return you the installed version.

  1. Create bootcamp environment (replace the below parameter of -n with the name you like if need):
mamba env create -f bootcamp.yaml -n bootcamp
  1. If succeed, the following commands should return you the version of snakemake
conda activate bootcamp
snakemake --version

Requesting resources and submitting a job

Let's submit a job to run our script using cluster resources. For more information, refer to

  1. Create a new script that includes details on requesting resources from Roar Collab.
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1 
#SBATCH --mem=250GB 
#SBATCH --time=48:00:00 
#SBATCH -A open
#SBATCH --output=run.out
#SBATCH --error=run.err
#SBATCH --export=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=giveitanynameofchoice

Make sure to include the name of your script in your job submission script.

  1. Now that we have created our script, let's submit our job.

You will get a confirmation saying the job has been submitted, along with a job ID. For example, Submitted batch job 4957984. Make a note of your job ID for reference.

  1. Now that we have submitted our job, let's make sure that it's queued.
squeue  --job 4957984

You should be able to see the status of your job. For example:

           4957989      open bootcamp  vab5299 PD       0:00      1 (Priority)

When your job is completed, the status changes:

           4957989      open bootcamp  vab5299 CF       0:00      1 (Priority)
  1. Two files run.err and run.out will be created in the directory where you run your job. run.out contains the output of your script while run.err contains a log of any errors that may have occurred.

Let's look at the output for our script.

 cat run.out

This should print

Hello World!
  1. When the job is completed successfully, you will receive an e-mail.

Github - storing and sharing scripts with Git

  1. Make sure you have the GitHub CLI installed
gh --version
  1. Logging in to your GitHub account via the CLI

Type the following command and follow the interactive prompts.

gh auth login
  1. Creating a repository Navigate to the directory where you want to create a new repository and follow the interactive prompts.

  2. Uploading a file Let's upload our script to the new GitHub repository.

First, copy the script to the local repository

cp /path/to/ /path/to/local/repository

After navigating to your local repository, stage the file for commit

cd /path/to/local/repository
git add

Time to commit the changes! You can add a short comment on the changes made.

git commit -m "Added"

Finally, we push the changes to the remote repository on GitHub

git push

You will be able to see on your GitHub repository online.

  1. Editing and updating a file

Every time you edit the file locally, you need to commit the changes and push the file to the remote repository.

Let's edit


Now we need to stage the changes to commit.

git add

To commit the changes, type:

git commit -m "Updated"

Don't forget to push the changes!

git push

Now you will be able to see an updated version of online.

Interacting with the Cluster from your local computer

  1. Downloading/copying a file from the cluster via CLI
scp .
  1. Uploading/copying a file to the cluster via CLI
scp path/to/

Remember, you can do either of these via the portal as well!

Where to go for help

  1. Biostars
  2. ICDS Support
  3. The Genomix Slack Channel!

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